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Translation System Issues in Tabletop Simulator#2238

I attempted to create a well-made Spanish translation for Tabletop Simulator by generating the English language CSV file from the game. After several hours of work, I encountered two significant problems.
Firstly, the use of strings in various places makes it difficult to provide the appropriate context for translation. This is particularly challenging in Spanish due to gender and plural changes. I would suggest improving the system to utilize IDs for strings according to each context. Even if IDs have the same string, it should be understood that they are used in different contexts. This system is commonly seen in mods for games like Minecraft, for example, and in internationalization packages such as ngx-translate in JavaScript.
Secondly, not all strings can be translated using the CSV file. In fact, there are some strings in the CSV file that, even when translated, still display the English text in the game. The clearest example of this is in the tutorial before completion. It would be beneficial to conduct more thorough testing to ensure that the translation system can replace all strings used in the game effectively.

3 months ago

I’m sharing my translation file. You can review it yourselves and see how, despite being fully translated, some game strings remain in English. You can also notice that I’ve had to generalize some strings because they were reused (this wouldn’t happen if they had the same string with different identifiers to allow for different translations in each instance).

2 months ago