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hotseat - button function's player arg is always 1st player#243

functionName(player, value, id)

player: A direct Player reference to the person that triggered the input.

In hotseat room allway refer to Player1 instead the player who have the turn.

3 years ago
Changed the title from "UI buton (Player Var) in hotseat room" to "button function's player parameter is always first player in hotseat"
3 years ago
Changed the title from "button function's player parameter is always first player in hotseat" to "hotseat - button function's player arg is always 1st player"
3 years ago

confirmed… ran into this myself…. button(obj, colour, alt_click) will always return the colour of the 1st player on game load in hotseat mode… breaking all camera movment buttons. There is no workaround as far as I know apart of coding a way to input the colour manual someway. So basically all camera movment code dose not work in hotseat mode

3 years ago
Changed the status to
3 years ago

Can you give example button code that has this issue? I used deck_c.createButton({ label="Hello", click_function='click', function_owner=Global, position={x=0, y=0, z=5}, rotation={0,0,0}, scale={10, 10 ,10} })
and it worked fine

3 years ago
Changed the status to
Needs Clarification
3 years ago

This the XML panel:

<Panel id="panel_voto" active="false" color="#FFFFFF" height="300" width="500">

<Panel color="[#000000](/000000)" height="22" rectAlignment="UpperLeft">

<Text alignment="MiddleCenter" color="#FFFFFF" fontSize="16" fontStyle="Bold">VOTACIÓN Leisure Room:</Text>


  <Text position="0 -28 0" alignment="UpperCenter">Cada jugador debe elegir a otro para acusarlo de ser el alien, o abstenerse.</Text>

  <Text id="tx_votos_emi" position="0 -130 0" fontSize="16" fontStyle="Bold">Votos realizados: 0/0</Text>

  <Button id="boton_vot1" onClick="votacion" height="30" width="120" position="-150 60 0" active="false">COLOR</Button>
  <Button id="boton_vot2" onClick="votacion" height="30" width="120" position="-150 -10 0" active="false">COLOR</Button>
  <Button id="boton_vot3" onClick="votacion" height="30" width="120" position="-150 -80 0" active="false">COLOR</Button>
  <Button id="boton_vot4" onClick="votacion" height="30" width="120" position="0 60 0" active="false">COLOR</Button>
  <Button id="boton_vot5" onClick="votacion" height="30" width="120" position="0 -10 0" active="false">COLOR</Button>
  <Button id="boton_vot6" onClick="votacion" height="30" width="120" position="0 -80 0" active="false">COLOR</Button>
  <Button id="boton_vot7" onClick="votacion" height="30" width="120" position="150 60 0" active="false">COLOR</Button>
  <Button id="boton_vot8" onClick="votacion" height="30" width="120" position="150 -10 0" active="false">COLOR</Button>
  <Button id="boton_vot9" onClick="votacion" height="30" width="120" position="150 -80 0">ABSTENERSE</Button>


And here the lua code:
function votacion(votante, valor, botonid)
– print(votante.color .. ‘ / ‘ .. botonid .. valor)
if votante_hab_array[votante.color] == false then
broadcastToColor(‘UD YA HA VOTADO’, votante.color, col_tab_array[votante.color] )
if UI.getAttribute(botonid, ‘text’) ~= votante.color then
votante_hab_array[votante.color] = false
cuenta_votos = cuenta_votos + 1
UI.setAttribute(“tx_votos_emi”, “text”, ‘Votos realizados: ‘ .. cuenta_votos .. ‘/‘ .. jugadores)
votos_array[votante.color] = UI.getAttribute(botonid, ‘text’)
if UI.getAttribute(botonid, ‘text’) ~= ‘ABSTENERSE’ then
vot_rec_array[UI.getAttribute(botonid, ‘text’)] = vot_rec_array[UI.getAttribute(botonid, ‘text’)] + 1
broadcastToColor(‘NO PUEDE VOTARSE A SI MISMO’, votante.color, col_tab_array[votante.color] )

-- trigerea el fin de la votacion
if cuenta_votos == jugadores then
  UI.setAttribute("panel_voto", "active", false)
  UI.setAttribute("resultado", "active", true)
  for contador, jug in pairs(sentados) do
    textojuntado = jug.color .. ' votó a: ' .. votos_array[jug.color]
    UI.setAttribute("tx_voto" .. contador, 'active', true)
    UI.setAttribute("tx_voto" .. contador, 'text', textojuntado)
  for contador, jug in pairs(sentados) do
    textojuntado = jug.color .. ' recibió: ' .. vot_rec_array[jug.color]
    UI.setAttribute("tx_votos" .. contador, 'active', true)
    UI.setAttribute("tx_votos" .. contador, 'text', textojuntado)


in hotseat votante refers always to Player1, instead the player who was the turn.

3 years ago
Changed the status to
3 years ago
Changed the status to
In Progress
3 years ago
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3 years ago