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Unknown Interaction Causes Some Players to have Pings Over a Minute Long#471


I have no idea of how to better explain this, but when playing on this table:

I will often find myself with an absurd ping to the host (15-120 seconds); this affects me on this table every time, but I’ve seen more players affected. The absurd ping will last indefinitely, I’ve played for up to 1 hour on these conditions. The other players will experience normal ping.

The SAME HOST will give me normal ping when changed to another table such as this:
So far, I’ve confirmed this happening on this table every time, with 6 different hosts in different days.

Additional info:
The described ping range (15-120s) comes from sending a chat message and timing how long it takes for me to see my own message show up.
In these cases, the host and unaffected players will still see my message in normal ping time. So I’d send a chat message, hear players respond on voice chat over Discord instantly, but still only see my own message pop up a minute later.

3 years ago

Related to #474 - additional info is also available there.

3 years ago
Changed the status to
3 years ago
Merged Ping has been through the roof#518
3 years ago
Changed the status to
3 years ago

Is this issue still happening after the update?

3 years ago

I’ll try to get a few games going on the troublesome table to see how it goes

3 years ago

I’ve recently started having this issue since 1-2 weeks ago. My game on steam says it was only updated on April 13th, so I don’t think a client update caused it. The table friends and I play on also hasn’t changed, so I don’t think that’s it either. Leads me to thinking that it’s either a backend change, or that something wacky has happened with the card importer I’m using. Maybe the website it scrapes switched to a different image format and that causes the issue?

Link to the table I’m using:

Game Build ID: 6530214

Link to a deck I’m importing

Seems that the ping spikes happen when a player untaps after the turn being switched, but that could be coincidence.

3 years ago

Is there any further update on this

a year ago