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Snap to edge or/and corner#847

It would be very useful if there would be a tool or key to toggle map pieces snap to edge or/and corner.

I guess everyone, include me troubled with the setup of a map (board) of a game with multiple board tiles.

When I could hold down a key and the map piece I hold with my mouse would move down out from the air onto the table and I only had to move it to the next map piece to snap it to the edge or/and corner would be great.

The shadow from objects is good but for a perfect map setup not good enough.

3 years ago

snap to the edge and corner of what? other objects or the grid shape?

3 years ago
Changed the status to
Needs Clarification
3 years ago

I thought on custom tiles.

3 years ago

I don’t understand. you can already add snap points to objects.

3 years ago

Oh wait - I think I might get this now.

Right now you can add a snapTo point on objectA such that objectB’s Origin will snap to objectA’s snap point.

I think what you’re proposing is a snapFrom point that you can add to objectB such that ObjectB’s snapFrom point will go to objectA’s snapTo point?

3 years ago

I don´t want to add snap points, what I find a good idea is that when all tiles (the edges and corner) have like magnetic a snap when I hit a key for it. Example: I have a map piece (tile on the table), now I take a new map tile and press x (for the key) and move the tile near the tile wich is on the table, the new tile snaps now to the edge from the tile on the table and when I move the mouse in the direction of a corner it snaps also in the corner. Would be better 2 keys, 1 for corner+edge and 1 only for edge. I don´t know any game out there, but I guess there are some with map pieces of multiple length.

3 years ago

It´s something how it works in blender. It´s a stolen idea :)

3 years ago

So… you want the effects of a snap point without having to bother using snap points.

Here’s the problem: If I use a custom model with a wierd shape and set it to work as a Tile - how should these phantom snap points be defined?
Or, one could add snap points and get the functionality one specifically wants rather than having the game make it’s best guess.

3 years ago

be that as it may, the snapTo and snapFrom concept is a good idea (and will give you the behaviour that you want with even more control). I’ve created a new feature request for it.

3 years ago

I must confess that I currently can´t exact imagine where this goes, snapTo is clear (that´s the current snap point method).
But may it be as it be, if you tell me that´s what I want then it´s good enough. Or even better…is better. Thank´s.

3 years ago

If I got this right you want snapp to edge like ?

3 years ago

Something like this, but be aware it must also snap to corner: When I have a square and 2 rectangles wich have together the same dimension of the square I also want them to snap. Imagine it so, you have a free slideable snap on every edge and a snap position on every corner so that when you slide the piece on the edge to the corner it snaps on both, that’s the point where two corners and 2 edges fits together.

3 years ago